Slow Fashion in a world with a “single-use” mentality and Sustainability in FATMA OMAROVA.

In this week’s blog, we will be looking at the importance of slow fashion in relation to FATMA OMAROVA’s brand and how the designer caters to those with a will to obtain high-quality items through a deliberate and sustainable slow fashion business model.

Before embarking on our exploration, it’s essential to establish a clear understanding of what slow fashion represents and how we define its core principles.

What is Slow Fashion?

Slow fashion is not just a passing trend; it’s a transformative movement that challenges the conventional norms of the fashion industry. Unlike its fast fashion counterpart, slow fashion is marked by a holistic approach to clothing and style. It encompasses a set of values and practices that prioritize sustainability, ethics, and quality over the relentless pursuit of fleeting trends.

At its core, slow fashion emphasizes the following key principles:

    • Ethical Production: Slow fashion places a strong emphasis on the ethical aspects of production. With this approach, you’ll always have complete transparency about the origins of your clothing. In fact, it’s a common practice within the slow fashion industry for both stores and individuals to readily provide you with precise information about how the product you obtained was produced and can even go as far as to tell you by whom!

    • Sustainability: Slow Fashion is sustainable fashion. At its heart, slow fashion is rooted in the commitment to using high-quality materials that are built to withstand the test of time, therefore creating less waste over time. Additionally, the materials chosen are predominantly natural, with a conscious consideration for the environmental impact of each choice. For instance, take denim, which consumes a significant amount of water in its production. In the spirit of sustainability, some designers opt to repurpose second-hand jeans and upcycle them into new creations, minimizing the environmental footprint.

    • Timeless Designs: An important aspect of slow fashion revolves around crafting clothing that can stand the test of time and be cherished throughout your life. This doesn’t mean that slow fashion can’t draw inspiration from current trends; instead, it focuses on creating designs that remain timeless, irrespective of the years that go by. For instance, many fashion designers ingeniously design versatile clothing that can be elegantly styled in various ways, often using innovative features like interchangeable straps or buttons, allowing you to get the most out of your clothing by simply styling it in multiple different ways. 

    • Quality over quantity: Slow Fashion spares no expense in crafting exceptional, world-class items. This unwavering commitment translates directly to the impeccable quality of materials utilized. Consequently, the price tags on these items often exceed the average of those in the fast fashion realm. However, it’s important to note that this doesn’t imply fast fashion is merely more convenient. While you might purchase one product from a slow fashion brand, you might find yourself buying five from a fast fashion brand because the latter’s products are not designed for longevity. In the long run, this can result in higher overall expenditure compared to investing in a durable slow fashion item.

Why is Slow Fashion important? 

There are numerous compelling reasons to incorporate Slow Fashion into our regular spending habits. Below, we’ve outlined some of these reasons, although it’s essential to emphasize that the advantages of Slow Fashion far surpass those of Fast Fashion.

  • Empowering Local Businesses: Slow Fashion is predominantly crafted by local artisans. This doesn’t imply that their creations are rooted in tradition, but rather that they are meticulously crafted by skilled individuals. While Slow Fashion is accessible globally, many of these brands prioritize their local markets, contributing to the growth of local businesses. By supporting these, we empower individuals to work within their preferred trade whilst positively impacting the national economy. 
  • Environmental Impact: While we can all agree that waste is waste, regardless of the packaging it comes in, slow fashion places significant emphasis on repurposing and recycling existing textiles and materials. This approach substantially reduces waste and carbon emissions that would otherwise be generated in the fast fashion industry.
  • Ethical values: Fast fashion has been criticized for its labor practices, which sometimes involve vulnerable or underprivileged workers. In contrast, the slow fashion industry places a strong emphasis on ethical practices throughout its supply chain. From sourcing sustainable materials to ensuring fair wages and safe working conditions, slow fashion brands prioritize every aspect of production with a commitment to ethical standards. This approach not only respects the dignity and well-being of workers but also aligns with a broader mission of environmental responsibility and social consciousness. This shift toward ethically produced clothing also fosters transparency, accountability, and a heightened sense of connection between the consumer and the people who craft their garments, as well as the environment that sustains us all.

It is also important to acknowledge that not everyone has access to slow fashion, and the prominence of fast fashion can be linked to various economic factors. Slow fashion, often considered a more sustainable and ethical choice, can be quite expensive due to the costs associated with producing high-quality, ethically sourced materials and maintaining fair labor practices. To address this issue, individuals can explore budget-friendly clothing options, second-hand stores, or consider minimalist and sustainable wardrobe practices, allowing for more conscious and cost-effective choices in their fashion consumption. These choices can be particularly valuable if people wanted to positively impact the planet or reduce their carbon footprint.

The fashion industry is experiencing a gradual shift towards sustainability, largely influenced by evolving consumer behaviors. Younger generations, in particular, are displaying a heightened awareness of the ecological consequences associated with their shopping habits. Statistically, this trend is gaining momentum. However, the increased demand for sustainable fashion is occasionally linked to elevated pricing, extending even to the second-hand market.

According to a survey made in 2021; 67% of global consumers expressed a growing interest in sustainable fashion, with 27% of respondents mentioning that they’ve increased their sustainable fashion purchases over the last year. (Consumer sentiment on sustainability in fashion, McKinsey & Company)

Sustainability in FATMA OMAROVA

In FATMA OMAROVA, sustainability plays a significant role in our mission. We acknowledge its vital importance in today’s society and integrate it into various initiatives we undertake.

First and foremost, in FATMA OMAROVA we prioritize the use of eco-friendly materials. Our clothing is crafted from eco-conscious materials like organic cotton, bamboo, and Tencel, which boast a significantly lower environmental footprint compared to conventional fabrics. Furthermore, we make a conscious effort to incorporate recycled and upcycled materials whenever feasible. This approach ensures that our products are not only stylish but also eco-friendly. Below, we will discuss some of the things we do to ensure sustainable practices within our production.

We firmly believe in the value of longevity and durability. Our goal is to offer clothing that stands the test of time, both in concept and in practice. Our designer Fatma Omarova creates garments with a focus on high-quality construction and timeless styles that won’t fall out of fashion quickly. By doing so, we encourage our customers to wear our products for an extended period, reducing the overall demand for fast fashion and the associated waste it generates.

We take an active approach to transparency and education. Through our blogs and extensive social media presence, we keep our customers well-informed about the materials we use and our sustainable practices. We believe that providing this information empowers our customers to make informed and sustainable fashion choices, which, in turn, plays a crucial role in driving positive change within the fashion industry.

Additionally, our dedication to fair wage practices extends not only within our own operations but also throughout our entire supply chain. We actively support organizations working to enhance labor conditions in the fashion industry, ensuring that those involved in our production are treated fairly and ethically.

To further minimize our environmental impact and uphold our dedication to sustainable practices, in FATMA OMAROVA we only craft limited collections. Our small-scale production approach enables us to maintain an exceptional level of quality and care, setting us apart from larger, mass-produced fashion lines. This focus on exclusivity and luxury within our brand ensures that each piece in our limited collections is a finely crafted, sustainable work of art.

In FATMA OMAROVA, sustainability is not just a buzzword; it’s an integral part of our mission. We fully understand the critical role it plays in today’s society, and we’ve woven it into the fabric of our brand in various ways. We prioritize eco-friendly materials, using organic cotton and Tencel to reduce our environmental footprint. We’re committed to longevity and durability, designing clothing that stands the test of time to combat the fast fashion culture. Transparency and education are fundamental aspects of our ethos, as we actively inform our customers through blogs and social media, believing that informed consumers are the driving force behind positive change in the fashion industry.

We craft limited collections with a small-scale, quality-focused approach, offering an exclusive and luxurious experience for our customers. 

However, we also acknowledge that the path to sustainability is an ongoing journey. We understand that there’s always room for growth and improvement, and we’re committed to continuous evolution. In this endeavor, we wholeheartedly embrace the invaluable input and feedback from our customers. Their insights, suggestions, and expectations serve as a guiding force, propelling us forward in our mission to make fashion more sustainable and responsible. Sustainability is not a destination but a continuous voyage, and we’re dedicated to traveling this path with unwavering commitment and an open ear to our valued customers.